How To Create a Debt Repayment Plan in 7 Easy Steps

How To Create a Debt Repayment Plan in 7 Easy Steps

Ignoring your debt and neglecting to take steps to repay it, will often, if not always, cause it to become worse. The reason is that debt collectors often assess additional fees and interest on the debt that you owe, so unpaid debts can become monstrous in short periods of time. Creating a debt repayment plan is essential to your financial health. Follow these steps for an effective and workable plan.

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5 Ways To Waste Your Tax Refund

5 Ways To Waste Your Tax Refund

The average American receives a tax refund of $3,000. There are so many things you can do with that kind if money and even more things you shouldn’t be doing. Before you get your tax refund, let me tell you what you shouldn’t do with that nice chunk of change.

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