The Truth About Dollar Stores: Are They Really a Bargain?

The Truth About Dollar Stores: Are They Really a Bargain?

Dollar stores have a way of sucking you in and forcing you to buy a bunch of things you don’t need. The promises of items for $1.00, well now $1.25 due to inflation, can make anyone feel like a smart shopper. But are these stores really the treasure troves they claim to be, or do they cost you more in the long run?

Let’s dive into the psychology and strategy behind dollar stores, so you can make smarter decisions about where your hard-earned money goes.

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HSA vs FSA: Which One Should You Choose?

HSA vs FSA: Which One Should You Choose?

Did you know the money you save for healthcare can also save you money on taxes? Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Savings Accounts are two options to lower your tax liabilities and help you pay your medical expenses. While HSAs and FSAs have many similarities, there are differences too. You’ll qualify for one or the other, but not both.

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Beginner's Guide to US Savings Bonds

Beginner's Guide to US Savings Bonds

US savings bonds are known to be a very safe investment, but tend to have lower rates. However, if you’ve been watching the news and blogs, as of this year the rate for a Series I Bond is at 9.62% until October 28, 2022. To take advantage of this rate, you must complete your purchase of this bond on the Treasury Direct website by October 28, 2022.

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The 10 Day Family Savings Challenge⁣

The 10 Day Family Savings Challenge⁣

A great life skill to teach your kids is how to save money. The things you teach them about money will stay with them for life, so it’s important to teach them all that you can at an age-appropriate level. And what better way to strengthen your family’s bond than to save as a family. Let’s make saving a family tradition by setting a yearly goal and making a plan to reach it. It all starts with a conversation! ⁣Take the 10 Day Family Savings Challenge so you can not only save money but encourage money conversations! ⁣

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7 Tips to Prepare for Retirement and Maximize Your Money

7 Tips to Prepare for Retirement and Maximize Your Money

When it comes to retirement, the earlier you plan and save, the better. Because of compound interest and tax deferrals, you can benefit more the earlier you start saving for retirement. Do you know how much you need to save for retirement? How can you maximize your savings? Here are 7 strategies that will help you prepare for retirement and maximize your money…

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Valentine's Day Gift Ideas That Will Save You Money

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas That Will Save You Money

Valentine's Day is an opportunity to show others how much you care. Many commercially accessible present choices can be expensive, deterring people from purchasing the items they desire for this special occasion. Use these methods to save money on meaningful Valentine's Day gifts this year.

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How to Make $1,000 Donating Blood Plasma

How to Make $1,000 Donating Blood Plasma

January is National Blood Donor Month and in honor of that, I wanted to share with you a tip that can not only save lives, but can put some money in your pockets if your ever in need of some cash.⁣ Many people think you get paid for donating blood, the bucks are in donating plasma! There is no compensation for donating blood because experts feel that people would lie about their health just to make a few couple hundred dollars. And I don’t blame them.

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How to Save Some Money On Laundry Costs

We all have to do laundry, but it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg to have clean clothes. Doing laundry is more expensive than most people realize. We do laundry so frequently, that even a small savings per load could end up saving you a lot of money.

There are many simple things you can do to cut the cost of doing laundry. When you have more people in your household, it adds up to an even bigger savings.

These tips will save the average family of four over $300 per year:

Air-dry your clothes

Do you have the space to air-dry your clothes or hang them on the clothes line outside? If you can avoid using a dryer, you can save approximately $100 each year. You will save money on your electric or gas bill, and your clothes will last longer. The heat and tumbling in the dryer damage your clothing anyway. If you don’t feel comfortable hanging your undies out to dry, do this with certain clothes or just with sheets and comforters. It might not save you $100/year, but it will save you something.

Spin your clothes twice

Most people don’t understand all those settings on their washer and dryer. I give this tip to a lot of people and their mind is just blown. Did you know that the spin cycle exists to get the excess water out of your clothes? Yup! If you spin your clothes twice, you can remove that excess water which in turn reduces drying time. [mind blown]

Stick to cold water

This is something I do every single time I wash clothes. Unless a very expensive piece of clothing insists that I wash it with hot water, I use cold. While hot water works a little better, it costs more. The biggest cost of doing laundry comes from heating the water. You can save a bundle by skipping the hot water choosing to go with cold.

Create your own laundry products.

This one is fun and a bit satisfying and rewarding. There are so many “recipes” online for making your own detergent, bleach, and fabric softeners. I’m pretty sure you can find a good thousands on TikTok. Making it yourself is a fraction of the cost of grocery store laundry soaps.

Use less detergent

Remember that the companies who make laundry detergent want you to use more than necessary. Then, you’ll have to purchase more. You may have to test this out to see how small you can reduce the amount and still clean your clothes properly. Majority of people use way too much laundry detergent just so their clothes smell cleaner, when they only need to focus on using the right fabric softner.

Wash full loads

My daughter was notorious for washing 5 shirts. I was wondering where all my detergent was going and noticed she was wasting detergent and running up my electric bill. The electricity used to fill, agitate, and drain the washer is essentially the same, whether it’s a full or partial load. The same goes for rotating the drum on the dryer. You can save so much money by washing and drying more than just 5 shirts!

Cut those dryer sheets in half

Half of a dryer sheet is usually sufficient. Experiment to see what works best for you.

Clean the dryer trap

Not only is it a fire hazard, but the excess lint will trap moisture in the dryer and cause your clothes to take longer to dry. The sooner the dryer shuts off, the less money it costs you.

Purchase energy efficient appliances

Washers and dryers differ by brand. There are washers that will handle larger loads and use less water. There are dryers that use much less energy. Sometimes these higher efficiency units cost more, but the savings is worth it in the end.

Adjust your settings

Wash your clothes at a lower setting. Try drying with lower heat. Every load of laundry doesn’t require elaborate settings.

Final Thoughts

Washing clothes is a chore that many perform on an almost daily basis. That’s why it’s so important to cut costs wherever possible. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an extra $300 a year to spend on something more entertaining than laundry? Help the environment and your family’s budget by applying these cost-saving tips whenever you do laundry.

How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill

How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill

The more technology advances the more expensive it becomes. With Apple releasing a new iPhone every year, the price tag is only going up. Not to mention the plans you need to have to operate them. Between unlimited calls, text, data, and the cost of the actual phone, your phone plan can cost you $100 or more a month, and that’s just for one phone. Luckily, there are less expensive alternatives that can provide you with the same service!

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