What to Do If You Can’t Afford Your Mortgage

What to Do If You Can’t Afford Your Mortgage

Struggling to keep up with your mortgage payment? Queen, I get it. The stress of falling behind on your biggest monthly bill can feel overwhelming. But before you spiral, know this—you're not out of options. There are steps you can take to either keep your home or make a smooth exit if that’s the better choice for your financial future. Let’s break down your options step by step so you can make the best decision for you and your money.

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The Truth About Dollar Stores: Are They Really a Bargain?

The Truth About Dollar Stores: Are They Really a Bargain?

Dollar stores have a way of sucking you in and forcing you to buy a bunch of things you don’t need. The promises of items for $1.00, well now $1.25 due to inflation, can make anyone feel like a smart shopper. But are these stores really the treasure troves they claim to be, or do they cost you more in the long run?

Let’s dive into the psychology and strategy behind dollar stores, so you can make smarter decisions about where your hard-earned money goes.

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Net Worth: What It Is and How To Calculate It

Net Worth: What It Is and How To Calculate It

Discover the importance of understanding your net worth and how it can impact your financial health. In our comprehensive guide, we delve into why net worth matters, how to calculate it, and the tools you can use to track and improve it over time. Learn actionable tips to manage debts, increase assets, and plan strategically for different stages of life. Whether you're just starting out or gearing up for retirement, understanding your net worth is essential for making informed financial decisions.

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Value-Based Budgeting: Your Guide to Purposeful Spending

Value-Based Budgeting: Your Guide to Purposeful Spending

Value-Based Budgeting is a personalized financial planning method that prioritizes spending on what truly matters to you, aligning your expenses with your deepest values and life goals. Learn how this approach can lead to increased financial satisfaction, reduced waste, and enhanced achievement of your dreams. Discover practical steps to implement Value-Based Budgeting, ensuring every dollar you spend enriches your life in meaningful ways. Whether you're saving for a dream vacation or investing in your education, find out how making value-driven financial decisions can lead to a richer, more fulfilling life.

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Mint Budgeting App Shutting Down

Mint Budgeting App Shutting Down

The Mint Budgeting App is waving goodbye, and it's time for us to find a new money-tracking pal. It’s like changing cars; we gotta make sure the new one fits just right. Before Mint clocks out, let’s grab our money info from it and then hit the app store to test drive some new budgeting apps. It’s a big ol’ digital playground out there with lots of apps ready to help us keep our dollars and cents in check. By taking a few for a spin, we’ll find which one clicks with us the best. And hey, while Mint was a cool companion, there's a whole world of budget buddies out there waiting to help us stay on the money-saving track!

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Term Life Insurance vs. Whole Life Insurance – What’s Best for You?

Term Life Insurance vs. Whole Life Insurance – What’s Best for You?

Have no idea how life insurance works? Or are you caught in the life insurance limbo, unsure whether to pick Term or Whole Life? It's like choosing between a red or a nude lipstick—both are fabulous but serve different moods! Here’s a breakdown, the ins, outs, and in-betweens of Term and Whole Life Insurance, so you can make a choice that's as informed as you are fabulous. Whether you’re a newbie momma, a savvy career woman, or looking at retirement down the line, find out which insurance policy will help you live your best life, worry-free!

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Credit Reports 101 

Credit Reports 101 

Credit reports are an important tool for understanding your financial situation. They provide a snapshot of your credit history, including all of the accounts you have open and how you manage them. Understanding how credit reports work can help you make better decisions about borrowing and managing debt. Credit reports can also help you protect yourself against identity theft and fraud. In this article, I’ll explain the basics of credit reports, including what information they contain, what information it doesn’t contain, why you should get a copy of your credit report, and how to get a copy of your credit report.

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Why Co-Signing Is NEVER a Good Idea and How To Get Out Of It

Why Co-Signing Is NEVER a Good Idea and How To Get Out Of It

Has a family member or friend ever asked you to co-sign for them and you either considered saying yes or actually said yes and went through with it? Well if you are considering co-signing for someone, I'm going to tell you why you should NEVER co-sign for anyone and teach you some easy and creative ways to say "NO". Now, don’t be discouraged, if you said yes and went through with it, I'm going to tell you how you can get your name off someone else's loan and why you should NEVER do it again.

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What Is Buy Now, Pay Later? How does it work?

What Is Buy Now, Pay Later? How does it work?

Seeing an item you want but not having the cash to buy it can be frustrating. But, Buy Now, Pay Later programs put those days behind you, allowing you to spread the payments out for the item. You’ll likely see advertisements for this option in-store and online, so it’s important to know how it works. Here’s everything you must know about the program and how it works.

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6 Ways to Hurt your Credit Score

6 Ways to Hurt your Credit Score

Your credit score is important for many instances in your life and is made up of years of credit history. You can’t make up a good credit history overnight, but you can quickly hurt your credit score if you aren’t careful. Here are six ways you can hurt your credit score and how you can avoid it.

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HSA vs FSA: Which One Should You Choose?

HSA vs FSA: Which One Should You Choose?

Did you know the money you save for healthcare can also save you money on taxes? Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Savings Accounts are two options to lower your tax liabilities and help you pay your medical expenses. While HSAs and FSAs have many similarities, there are differences too. You’ll qualify for one or the other, but not both.

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FICO vs. FAKO (Vantage) Credit Scores – What You Must Know

FICO vs. FAKO (Vantage) Credit Scores – What You Must Know

If you’re even partially interested in your credit score and you live anywhere on social media, you’ve likely heard a lot of debate between FICO vs. FAKO credit scores. While these terms correspond to your credit score, there is more to know about them because they are vastly different.

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Beginner's Guide to US Savings Bonds

Beginner's Guide to US Savings Bonds

US savings bonds are known to be a very safe investment, but tend to have lower rates. However, if you’ve been watching the news and blogs, as of this year the rate for a Series I Bond is at 9.62% until October 28, 2022. To take advantage of this rate, you must complete your purchase of this bond on the Treasury Direct website by October 28, 2022.

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